Hallo, I have red, painfull pimple-like dots in my eyes. Because of this my eyes are swallowed and it hurts me when I close and open my eyes. I live in 1030. Is there any hospital near by where I can check this?
Belowelow you may see my problem so pls let me know where should I go to treat this problem

From your image it looks a lot like something we call "hordeolum internum" or "stye".
In general this is not considered an emergency and I would recommend you to make an appointment at an outpatient clinic.
You can find a list of ophtalmogist in vienna here:
From your image it looks a lot like something we call "hordeolum internum" or "stye".
In general this is not considered an emergency and I would recommend you to make an appointment at an outpatient clinic.
You can find a list of ophtalmogist in vienna here: